Monday, June 4, 2012

A day at the spa

Most people would not compare a day at a Russian orphanage to a day at the spa, but that's what we did.  We traveled from Vladimir today to Pokrov and one of the main activities was to make the girls feel special.  We brought a number of types of hair and body products to help the girls do make up and hair and nails.  One girl, Lena, has learned to braid hair and braided hair for some of our team members (it was women and girls only).  It was a great time.

Others played soccer and marbles with the boys, while the women had their spa day.

We also participated in some games with the children and well as had free time with a number of the kids. 

We also watched a program about the birch tree that the orphanage children put on. 

It was not an exciting day in what was accomplished, but even new trip participants felt as if we set a great foundation for the rest of the week.

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