Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Wait is On

So, we've made the deposit for our plane tickets. All fourteen of us are preparing. We have curriculum set. We have a sports program in development. We have done some language and cultural training. Passports and Visa applications are in to Children's HopeChest.

Members aren't quite ready yet, but they are close. If we left tomorrow, we could still probably pull this trip off with few hitches. We've got almost three months left to wait (and to fundraise).

Monday, March 3, 2008

Baby Steps to Russia

Our church has been involved in Russia for five years now. We began with Ivanova and Pokrov orphanages. We serve about 80 kids ranging from preschool to age 18. However, most kids "graduate" from the orphanage at about 16 years old and then pursue technical school. Technical school is a bit misleading for Americans. It can include anything from tractor driving to secretarial school or baking to brick laying.

Our goal is to help these kids have enough confidence to leave the orphanage at age 16 and know that they can succeed. They don't have to live the lives that their parents lived (usually poverty, alcoholism, crime or abusive behaviors). Many of the kids we have worked with are doing well. One is a student in Computer Science at Vladimir State University.

Children's Hopechest also has ministry centers that kids can visit after they leave the orphanage. These teenagers can use the computer lab, watch TV, play games, do homework, and get free dental care. The center allows these kids to congregate and get emotional support from the counselors who work there. In addition, they can get help with their studies and participate in planned group events.

Our church has taken baby steps to help these kids, but our steps are getting bigger and more confident. We don't want to go as the rich Americans with all of the answers, but we do want to impart things we've learned about life. We do want to instill hope and friendship. As we learn what the kids really need, our steps can get bigger and bigger.

The Best Way to Help Russian Orphans Succeed

Covenant Presbyterian Church has a succesful ministry to Russian orphanages through a non-profit called Children's Hopechest. I'm a Hopechest board member and a member of the Covenant Presbyterian Church ministry team. I'll be posting updates about our ministry, including preparation for our ministry trip to Pokrov, Russia in June of 2008. If I can get access to an internet cafe, I'll provide updates while we are on the trip.

If you'd like to donate to the team expenses, you may go to:

You may send a check designated to the June Russia Trip directly to

Covenant Presbyterian Church
2845 Parliament Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Or go to and designate your donation to the Covenant Presbyterian Church June 2008 Trip.

You can go to to find out more about our church. You may also send a check to Children's Hopechest designated for the Covenant Presbyterian June 2008 Trip.